Saturday, February 2, 2008

Snow Day!

Yesterday we had nearly a foot of snow fall! Aaron stayed home from work it was so snowy-nice way to start the weekend! I was very thankful that I didn't have to go to work either. We decided to bundle up and take Emily outside to play.

At first she wasn't too sure, and wouldn't let go of our hands.

It was so hard for her to walk in it-it was past her knees it was so deep! Aaron and I cleared some paths so that she could run around.

She ended up having a blast! Exploring all the snow, chasing us around, and Daddy even taught her how to "throw" snowballs at Mommy!

Somehow I even got her to make a snow angel!

She really did have a great time! I think that Aaron and I really had just as much fun too. It's been quite awhile since we were able to play, roll around and be silly in the snow like that. Aahhh to be a kid again!!

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