Sunday, February 3, 2008


I'm pretty sure that last night was the first time that we'd made seafood since we moved up to Chicago. We made tequila shrimp-and it actually turned out quite yummy! I had quite a problem in the grocery store though. You know, we got a bit spoiled when we were able to buy our seafood fresh and local. I just stood there going back and forth reading all of the labels in the case for the longest time-they must've thought I was crazy! They were all shipped in from somewhere, frozen then thawed, blah blah blah....Oh how I miss the nice little market that Boone Hall had...
Oh well, Chicago food does have its benefits. There may not be any oyster roasts or Lowcountry broils, but there is some of the best pizza (of course) and our new favorite-Italian beef sandwiches! Oh the 'new' foods that we will be bringing back to Columbus :)

Emily got a new big girl towel-and she loves it! It's big enough to wrap around her so she doesn't get cold. She looks cute too-of course!

This was walking out the door last week to go to daycare/work. She was getting so frustrated-she's already learning that I don't get out the door too quick! She was trying to carry both bags to the door-what a strong girl!


saylor days said...

haha she's like COME ON mom. that's funny.were you still using the baby bath towels with her? shoot we started just using our towels on him ages ago.i would like to get him some cute towels though and id really love to get a bathrobe for about we go shopping together in a couple weeks. sound good? ok cool.

Created Amiably said...

Hi! I soo miss the benefits of living on the coast! But we have this wonderful fresh seafood market here..but you pay for it!! We are interviewing day care centers tomorrow for 1/2 days! What hours do you work?

Aaron, Sarah, and Emily Walter said...

I work she's at daycare from 2-5:30 or 6. 3 days a week. Not too bad-we pay $168/week though! Yikes!!!